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Before picture...with my boys in Grand Cayman!  April 2017
Anyone who knows me knows I have always struggled with my weight and that in the last few years I have developed diabetes.  In 2009 I successfully lost 30 pounds with Weight Watchers, and my fasting blood sugar went down quite a lot without medicine.  While I have successfully kept almost half of that off since then I have gained the other half back, and my blood sugar has gone up as well. Although I haven't had to go on insulin, I am currently on three medications to keep my blood sugars low.  That along with exercise and fairly healthy eating habits has helped keep my numbers in control.

But...I love food.  And I love sugar.  I know it's a little bit of an obsession and addiction but there you go.  When my blood sugar went back up the last few months I wasn't surprised.  Winter was rough for me this year, not enough sun, I made some bad food choices and I wasn't as active as usual.  While the addition of a third medication has made my numbers go back down I decided that the only way I was going to be able to have less medication and no insulin was to get back to my activity levels of last summer and lose about 40 pounds.  Since the last time I lost weight on a consistent basis was with Weight Watchers, when I went to the meeting, I decided to do that again.  My husband has been super supportive.

So after our spring break vacation (a cruise, where I ate whatever I wanted!) I went down to join.  I lost 6.2 pounds the first two weeks and already notice my clothes feel a little looser and running is a little easier.  I was able to wear a shirt that had been too tight for the last 6 months ago to Easter dinner yesterday.

Part of losing weight for me is to share with everyone and not keep it a secret, so I decided to add it to my blog.  If fact, I decided to add a lot more things to my blog in addition to my book reviews.  So get ready to share in my ups and downs of weight loss!  And feel free to share your stories with me.


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