Janet Evanovich is known for her quirky and eccentric characters who find themselves is sticky situations. This new series lives up to that reputation. Curious Minds is the first in the Knight and Moon series by Evanovich (cowritten by Phoef Sutton) and it promises to take readers on new adventures and zany situations.
Riley Moon is a Harvard trained lawyer and business executive. She is funny and brave and can think on her feet. She never dreams that her ideal job will lead to danger. Her first client turns out to be Emerson Knight who takes eccentric billionaire to a whole new level. Emerson uncovers a plot that could ruin the US economy and he talks Riley into helping him. There adventure makes for a fun quick read. It's a perfect beach read (which is where I read it!) that will keep you entertained.
I enjoyed the story very much and will look forward to the next book but I did find the plot a little hard to believe at times. Overall very good. Thanks to Netgalley for access to the book!
Rated 4/5 stars on Goodreads.
Thanks to NetGalley for the Advanced Readers Copy of this one. I read it in January but am a little behind on my blogging. I love a good cowboy story, but this one was just OK. Wild Horse Springs is the fifth in the Ransom Canyon series...but it certainly isn't my favorite of the bunch. This story features sheriff Dan Brigman and Brandi Malone. Brandi is a singer who is running from a loss...she travels from town to town preforming on the stage and trying to forget her past. When danger strikes Brandi ends up running to Dan instead of running away like she usually does. The story also features Lauren Brigman, Dan's daughter, who has come home after her job in Dallas doesn't pan out. Lauren has to decide if home is where her heart is or if she is going to travel back out into the world and try and forge a new life. There are some really solid parts to this story, but it did fall a little flat for me. It look me a long time to get into it...
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