I have had several people ask me lately about my Sunday meal prep day. This is something I have been doing pretty consistently for a while, not just since I joined Weight Watchers. I spend a few hours in the kitchen on Sunday afternoon and prep as much food as I have the time and energy for. Some weeks I am able to prep a lot, and some weeks just a little. At the very least I prep my snacks for work and at least a few of my work lunches. On a good week I can do all of my lunches and some dinner prep too. Sometimes food prep just involves planning. I eat pretty much the same snacks every day. My morning snack is a light string cheese, 7 almonds and an apple. That is easy to prep. I put the string cheese and almonds in a snack size bag and grab an apple each day. My afternoon snack varies a bit more, but usually I have vegetables in some form so I chop as many fresh vegetables on Sunday as I can. Easy to grab. Somet...
Wife, mother, librarian, teacher, dog mom and chicken keeper.