I have been wanting chickens for years and years, but I am a city girl and chickens didn't seem like something I could have. But I was wrong! In November 2018 our city council passed a chicken ordinance and suddenly my chicken dreams seemed like they could come true! I spent last winter reading everything I could find about chickens and researching everything having to do having chickens in the city, and what types of coops would be best. Our local pet store orders chicks from a local hatchery, and I decided to get chicks from the May shipment. I read about each of the types of chicks in that shipment and decided to get an assortment. After confirming with the neighbors that they wouldn't object to chickens, I ordered five chicks (the maximum amount allowed by our city accordance). I decided to order two Dominiques, one Colombian Wyandotte, one Calico Princess and one Midnight Majesty Maran. Step one of the chicken quest was underway, so I started to fill out...
Although I liked certain parts of this book, there were other parts I didn't like at all. I loved the setting and the setting description a lot. I also liked the premise of the book. It was a fairly quick read, but I did have trouble with the flow of the story. The writing seemed jilted at times, and it didn't flow as smoothly as I would have liked. The main part of the book dealt with young Olivia and her relationship with her recently returned father. He had been largely absent during her youth. I found him to be very unlikable. I also wasn't super fond of Olivia's finance, he just didn't seem all that supportive. I really liked Olivia and her mother and step-father though. So an average book for me. 3/5 stars on GoodReads.