I love garden season! I have always had a little garden or at the very least flowers but last year I graduated myself into a big garden! I rented a plot at a nearby community garden and while I was nervous about how much work it was I decided to give it a try. Community Garden Plot It turns out I loved the community garden. It was a lot of work, but it quickly became my happy place. I would go in the evenings after work and dinner with my boys and listen to audiobooks and garden away. I remembered all winter how much I loved it, but it wasn't until this last week when I spent several days planting that I remembered just how much. Backyard Lettuce Garden! This year I planted two gardens, the big one at the community garden and a small one in my backyard. Most of the vegetables will go into the big garden, but I planted lettuce and herbs and some small plants in my backyard so I could go out and get a salad for dinner without having ...
Wife, mother, librarian, teacher, dog mom and chicken keeper.