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Showing posts from February, 2014

Week Four!

Week Four in my quest to run a half marathon in October! (well week five, but I had a whole week setback when I was sick). This weeks training schedule includes 3 runs, a yoga and hopefully an elliptical workout.  Today I got in the first run, which was a 20 minute steady run. I also am experimenting with some healthy recipes to try and get my boys to eat a little bit more meat and veggies.  Last night I made a Pecan Chicken Tender recipe and they eat it up!  It was from a clean eating for families cookbook and I felt so happy that they loved it!  This one will be added to our monthly rotation for sure. I am hoping to have some fun appetizers and snacks for the Olympics opening ceremonies.  This usually involves a lot of fried cheese items, but I am hoping to go a little healthier this year.  Does anyone any ideas? Looking forward to another great week here!